Long-Term Disability

We're your advocate.

Long-term Disability

Are you a Long-Term Disability (LTD) claimant that needs to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits? We work with you and your Long-Term Disability carrier and advocate your disability claim before the Social Security Administration.

Generally, you can collect both SSDI benefits and LTD benefits. Many long-term disability insurance companies also require anyone who receives benefits to apply for SSDI. However, if you are applying for or currently receiving SSDI, you are not required to apply for LTD benefits.

Most LTD insurance policies contain a specific clause that mandates that beneficiaries will apply for Social Security disability benefits within a specific timeframe.

Getting LTD benefits will not affect your SSDI application process or the benefit amount. If you are approved for SSDI, you probably won’t be allowed to “double-dip,” or be paid the full amount of benefits by both the SSA and the insurance company. Instead, your insurer will offset the amount of SSDI benefits from your LTD payments.  The combination of SSDI and LTD benefits will then equal the LTD benefits you got before qualifying for Social Security disability.

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