In recent years, significant changes have occurred in the landscape of Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits for same-sex couples. In this blog post, we’ll dive into how these benefits work for couples like yours and provide essential information that you need to be aware of.

The Historical Context

Not too long ago, same-sex couples faced numerous challenges when seeking SSD benefits because not all states recognized their marriages. However, positive transformations have unfolded in recent times.

The Legal Milestones

One of the most pivotal moments in this journey was the Supreme Court case Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015. This landmark decision declared same-sex marriage legal throughout the entire United States, granting equal rights to all couples, regardless of their sexual orientation. Following this monumental ruling, the Social Security Administration (SSA) introduced new regulations to ensure that same-sex couples receive the same SSD benefits as couples comprising one man and one woman.

Key Information to Keep in Mind:

  1. Duration of Marriage: Generally, you need to be married for at least one year to qualify for SSD benefits as a same-sex spouse.
  2. Benefits for Non-Working Spouses: Even if one spouse has not been employed, you can still access SSD benefits based on your spouse’s work history.
  3. Proving Disability: The process for demonstrating that you have a disability remains the same for everyone. You’ll need to provide medical evidence to substantiate your claim.
  4. Survivor’s Benefits: In unfortunate circumstances where your spouse passes away, survivor’s benefits are available to provide essential support during challenging times.

Obtaining Social Security Disability benefits for same-sex couples has vastly improved thanks to new laws and regulations. Regardless of your identity or whom you love, assistance is available if you are unable to work due to illness or disability. For expert guidance on Social Security Disability representation, please contact Sage Disability at 800-316-2794 or visit for a complimentary consultation with a disability specialist. Should you meet the eligibility criteria, a specialist will guide you through the entire process. With Sage Disability, an experienced SSD specialist will diligently file your application, minimizing the risk of denials, all at no upfront cost. You only pay if we succeed in winning your case. Don’t leave your disability claim to chance; seek assistance from a reputable disability firm with 50 years of experience. Your well-being is our top priority, and we’re here to help, no matter who you are or whom you love.